Let us do it ..
Intelligent & Creative
Creative, unique, Innovative, and masterpiece design is our role in any project
Our designs show our ability on how we could produce a new architectural vision for our clients using the highest technology as we believe that Architecture is the branch of knowledge that shapes and structures places for human activities.
A genuine architectural design comes by making a blend of stylish, functional, and economical solutions together with sensibility and control to achieve the client's needs and expectations and that is what we do in Archirama.

At Archirama;
Our experience of more than 17 yrs, give us the power to deal with all types of projects from small-scale to complex-size projects, and all sectors of projects such as hospitality, residential, commercial ...etc.
We assist our clients along the project process from design and budgeting to final handover, including managing the project with all the required consultants to achieve the permits, interior design, and inspecting the site during construction & contract administration.
We are always keen to present a unique masterpiece architecture design in each project that fits its usage, needs, and expectations, keeping the client updated with the estimated construction cost and options to fit his budget.
Creating Unique Architecture
Custom Design Solutions

Considering having a custom design for your project is the right start!!
As human needs are different, lots of orientation is different, site restrictions are different,,
It is very difficult to match 2 designs to 2 different lots, which might affect the natural lighting and ventilation for your project.
In our custom design solutions, we take care of each detail where every line drawn is just in place to give the required harmony and feeling that helps the maximum usage of internal spaces with achieving a beautiful architectural masterpiece.
It all comes together by blending our experience with our technical consultants by using BIM software, which makes our projects unique solutions in any sector of projects.
Crossing the boarders
As architectural projects last and transfer from one generation to another, you have to choose the right architect that understands your needs and can translate your dreams into real ones.
We always educate our clients about all the possible options in their projects and how they cut costs and where they can invest more, this allows them to cross the side of inexperienced knowledge to the experience needed to start their project. Starting from understanding the difference between drafters and architects to the construction risk and control points along the poject.

All across Melbourne
Some of our Completed &
Under-Construction projects
Imagination to reality
Transfer your dream design to real through our virtual reality system. Virtual reality (VR) is the experience of full immersion in a simulated world achieved via hardware.
Now with us, you can build your project and move inside it and feel the finishes and colors and space size before you build it.
No risk for interior design or change of specs on real life, save your money and time and have a VR session to explore your project now.
Check our services page to explore our services.